Mass Intention Requests
To ensure that everyone’s desire regarding Mass intentions may be satisfied, you are encouraged to make your request(s) known as soon as possible, especially if you have specific dates in mind. A minimum of 2 weeks notice is required for all intentions. Intentions are reserved on a first come basis.
Please check the calendar below to see if your preferred date for an intention is available, before sending in your request.
The offering of Mass for special intentions such as anniversaries, for healing or comfort to those who are sick, for deceased family members and friends, for personal intentions, in thanksgiving for favours received, for a “special” intention, etc., is an act of deep faith and a desire to unite oneself with Christ in the mystery of the Eucharist. We urge you to give serious consideration to availing yourselves of this special opportunity for grace and exercise of faith.
All Masses are booked with one (1) intention only, with the exception of 5:00 pm Saturday where we book multiple intentions to a maximum of five (5). Families may request one (1) Sunday Mass (8:30 am or 11:00 am Sunday), and one (1) Weekday Mass per week, each calendar year. The intention for “Our Parishioners” rotates between the Sunday Mass times and is a requirement under Canon Law. We hope these guidelines will allow all parishioners an equal chance in requesting Mass Intentions.
The recommended stipend for a Mass intention is $10. You can use e-transfer to [email protected] (auto-deposit). Please be sure to indicate that it is for Mass intentions. Cash or a cheque may be mailed or dropped in the mailbox at the parish office or placed in the Sunday collection basket. Please do not include the stipend in your offertory envelope.
Please note:
Our office is currently closed for vacation and will reopen on Monday, July 22, 2024. We will review your email and try to fulfil your request when we reopen.