Marian Pilgrimage 2024

Click the picture below for a video of our pilgrimage

We arrived safely in Fatima and had a good night's rest before offering an outdoor Mass for all of the intentions given to us by the parishioners at St. Mary's. There is great peace here and our Blessed Mother's presence is everywhere, bringing us the assurance that our prayers are being heard and that her Son is with us all. May her presence and peace also be felt in a special way in Kitchener as we keep you all in our thoughts and prayers this day. Blessings to you all! Fr. Toby

Today we went to the fishing village of Nazare and enjoyed some time by the ocean. It's known for it's massive surfing waves and a small chapel dedicated to St. Mary.

This evening we participated in the candlelight vigil at Fatima. We prayed the rosary with people from around the world and offered prayers for the intentions of St. Mary's parishioners.

Hello from the Cathedral of St. James! This is the destination point of all those traveling the Camino. We had a wonderful day touring inside and outside of the Cathedral with Mass in the Convent Chapel at 11 am. All of the intentions given to us were prayed for as we all journey together on the road that leads us closer to Christ - wherever we may be! May God bless you and all those you love. St. James - Pray for us!

Burgos and Avila
We were blessed to visit the Cathedral of St Mary in Burgos, Spain today followed by a visit to the nearby birthplace of Teresa of Avila. What a beautiful day with great weather, rich history, and time for reflection. St. Mary and St. Teresa of Avila, pray for us all and our intentions.

Madrid and Toledo
Today we toured the cities of Madrid and Toledo. Such a blessing to have perfect weather and a tour of some beautiful places inside and outside of Madrid. Keeping you all in our prayers. Fr. Toby

Also, Sue is now with us! Unfortunately because of a minor mishap Sue couldn't make the flight to Lisbon but has caught up with us in Madrid! She is just a delight to have on the trip and it was an answer to our prayers that she was able to join us - especially Mary Anne's prayers as she was hoping her friend would be able to share in the experiences. Mary Anne is on the left in the picture.

We finally arrived at Our Lady of Lourdes where we have offered the prayers from our yellow Pilgrimage Bus at the special prayer offering station in front of the Grotto. We also participated in the candlelight vigil but it was moved to the underground church because of rain and wind. It was beautiful in a different way because the sound of the singing was so concentrated and everyone from around the world were praying closer together. Hope the weather is better this evening. May our prayers be heard and answered in God's time and in God's brilliant way so that we can all grow in faith as St. Bernadette and so many others have since. Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us!

Sagrata Familia and Montserrat
Today we concluded our pilgrimage by visiting these two sites and offering the petitions we were given that were designated to be prayed for by you. We also offered prayers for all of the intentions throughout the pilgrimage, that they may be heard and answered. It was such a beautiful day with some sun and rain in places where it's just easier to transcend and be with God. More to come as we return to the parish, but for now enjoy these pictures. Thank you for following along and for praying with us! May God continue to bless us all abundantly! Fr. Toby